Experience more...
Logging in and out is more than just a click.
XILIUM (referring to mycelium, the root-like structure of a fungus) dives into the realm between virtual worlds, into the realm of transitions and metaphorical synapses. Because logging in and out is more than just a click we are exploring here how the transition between different metaverses/mediums and networked environments could happen. Our research is based on NFA (Neuro – science for architecture) and exquisite corps games created for the Xilium unique experience.
Urszula Zwierzynska
Livia Lindenbauer
Tom Punte
Year: 2022
Project developed under:

About Xilium.XR
In our interpretation of the metaverse, an abstract maelstrom stretches through diverse atmospheres, divides, and connects them, intersects with others as with itself, and thus represents an endless growing network. At intersections – like synapses in neurology – an exchange between media/environments is forced.
To make it more tangible, it can be compared to the translation of a rhythm into the language of colours or smells. A direct translation is impossible, but the individual interpretation opens gates through creativity and imagination into new dimensions of virtual worlds that require a transition sequence.
Watch what is a Xilium.XR transition experience concept
Digital Futures
We were speakers at Digital Futures conference in Spetember 2022. Presenting the concept along many other inspiring designers to the broad public.

Equisite Corps Games
Our ideas for this project have evolved from the three attached exquisite corps games. This variation of interpersonal interactions inspired our thinking about different mediums and their connections in a virtual world. The observation and discoveries became foundations for possible transition experiences.
GAME 01 | Criss Cross Junction
GAME 02 | Rhy hy hyt t thm
GAME 03 | Hungle
GAME 01 Rules
Criss- Cross- Junction
1. Make a vertical 30 seconds dynamic video about a meaningful route of your travel from home to the Architectural Association
2. Download all the videos to one device and set the opacity to 50% and digitally merge all videos together.
3. Be surprised
GAME 02 Rules
rhy hy hyt t thm
1. One person starts to make a rhythm. Any physical medium is allowed. Everybody has to sit.
2. After five seconds person two joins in, copying rhythm one for five seconds “passing it over”,
3. Person two adapts the rhythm one into a new rhythm
4. Person two plays a new rhythm…then person 3 joins in and so on
5. Everybody continues their own rhythm but can always stand up for a break for 5, 10 or 15 seconds and join in again. The silence will become a part of the rhythm. Be surprised!
1. Select two people in your mind. Do not say it out loud who you are selecting.
2. Start moving until you form an equilibrium triangle with two selected persons.
3. Keep on moving until you form the perfect triangle. Do not share who you have selected.
4. Be surprised!
Our ideas for this project have evolved from the three attached exquisite corps games. This variation of interpersonal interactions inspired our thinking on various mediums and their connections in networked environments.

Mycelium growth illustrating metaverse development
In our interpretation of the metaverse, an abstract maelstrom stretches through diverse atmospheres, divides, and connects them, intersects with others as with itself, and thus represents an endless growing network. At intersections – like synapses in neurology – an exchange between media/environments is forced.
To make it more tangible, it can be compared to the translation of a rhythm into the language of colours or smells. A direct translation is impossible, but the individual interpretation opens gates through creativity and imagination into new dimensions of virtual worlds that require a transition sequence.
Medium transition
In Game 02 we explored how a kinetic experience can generate another medium, sound, that can be transferred to another reality. Recorded sound was later post-produced with Adobe Audition to create unique sounds for the Xilium
transition that were inserted in Unity for the 3rd person transition experience. Illustrating the development of sound. from Game 02 we could observe how the networks can interact with each other and what transitions are necessary.

Triangle of dependencies within a network
After playing Game 03 Hungle, we could observe how the network will move. With just a single movement of one user (a “triangle point”) all other users have to move before the network reaches the stage of equilibrium.
This taught us that the transition experience will never be static but will always adjust according to the network growth and inner movement whether it is a single user “log in, log out” or a new company introducing a new metaverse / environment.
What’s happening?? Well, what’s going on here? Where did Livia end up?

Explore, stay curious and experience transition!
Definitely nowhere she’s been before. And not in a place that was their destination either. Livia has landed in between, in the transition between two atmospheres, at the point of their merging and becoming one. This place is hard to grasp, just “not there and not there.”
What is so exciting here, however, is the emerging transitions of more and less tangible media. Because not only the colour composition changes during the transition, also the sound changes in beat, reverberation, frequency. . ., basic rules such as gravitation, non-translatable things such as perspective and so many other things that are hard to put into words without being unfair to them and reducing them. It’s impossible to directly translate from medium to medium. But, as we keep saying, where a will there is a way. In this case, we mean it, literally.

Creating awareness: known is new.
At first, we thought we had found something new here. But on closer inspection, we have noticed that such transitions and translations from one medium to another are omnipresent. Especially in a digital and virtual world.
Because here the peculiarity is that an external body, a computer for example, seems to take over the transition with simple buttons. How we humans deal with it is not comparable to it, there are only grey areas and no clear black or white, more than 0 or 1, which is all the decimal places in between.

Transition to what?
Maybe you’ve seen it yourself before. The transition from one mood to another. Rising anger in a harmless situation. Signs of laughter during long crying. Reconciliation in a fight. Confidence. Almost surprising.
This step-by-step change thrives on loss of control. Planned, it is difficult to feel the change honestly, but if you leave room for the situation, it unfolds, blooms, and brings us into new stages.

Let’s get lost in infinity.
Everyone interprets blurring and all these indefinable impressions differently, associates and connects them in their own way. Looks, hears, and feels differently. The individual plays a big role. This personal process, the journey within is an incredibly
exciting and personal excursion. Nevertheless – and perhaps precisely because of this – such an experience unites us, those who have experienced it, in a special way.
Now and in the long run.
Let’s make this network grow. Let’s make us grow.
Xilium transition
Xilium represents a broad concept of how architects / digital architects/metaverse designers should approach all sorts of transitions between multiple mediums and networked environments in a digital sphere. It scales down from the world wide web to a single user.
It links presence and absence, log-ins and log outs, growth and movement. Enriches the journey and engages the user’s specific behavioural patterns. It is not a static experience but adjusts according to what connections are currently happening within the growing network.
It’s a transition, an experience of the “in-between” spaces.
Let's build the metaverse together
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